fintech – My Blog Blog Tue, 10 Jan 2023 14:02:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 fintech – My Blog 32 32 You Spin Me Right Round, Baby, Right Round… Fri, 22 Oct 2021 15:38:56 +0000

New Panoramic Videos capture user attention and boost advertiser results

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s prediction in February 2017 that video, like mobile, would become “a mega trend” for social media advertisers has certainly come to fruition.

Video rules nowadays: video content is viewed by more than two billion active Facebook users each month, with around one hundred million video hours consumed per day. For business, sixty per cent of social media marketers now use videos in their advertising.

There are a variety of ways you can easily use videos to boost your connection to those who could be interested in your products in services. Facebook recommends avoiding static images in ads; instead generate some movement and energy by creating slide-show clips.

That’s just the beginning. The launch of panoramic clips into Facebook News Feed turned heads and spun everything on its axis. Now users can just tilt their smartphone or click an image on their desktop and change their viewing angle on an advertisement. 360 Video immerses users in a visual experience from all angles, and gives them control.

Such user immersion and engagement offers plenty of opportunities for smart advertisers.

While it’s easy to envisage the use of 360 Video for entertainments like sports and movies, it can also be used very effectively for industries which aren’t so interactive or focused on user experience and emotions. One recent example is an Aitarget’s client in the Fintech industry.

Client Partner at Aitarget, says:


“Being familiar with the challenges facing the Fintech industry in social media advertising, here at Aitarget we note the challenge of monotonous creatives. Too many companies use stereotypical images of stock graphs and men in suits. These types of creatives don’t bring good results because they fail to grab audience attention. This needs to change. We are sure it’s possible to be innovative regardless of your industry, so we offer our fintech clients interactive tools like 360 Video. It stands out from the crowd; nobody in the fintech industry had ever used it and this format is captivating for users who see it appear in the Facebook News Feed.”


Barriers are being broken down between brands and social media users. While creative is key, businesses can now use disruptive practices in social media, such as those provided by Aitarget, to more directly and affordably connect.


“It’s time to disrupt this archaic Mad Men model, eliminating the silos between creatives, clients and consumers, and stripping away anything that doesn’t add to creative output,” Marc Pritchard, chief brand officer at Procter & Gamble, told an industry conference in March. “If 2017 was the year of the wake-up call, 2018 is the year we take back control to transform the industry through mass disruption.”


Aitarget is all about thinking outside the box and providing creative social media solutions to our clients. We helped Forex4you become one of the first brokers to successfully use 360 Video in Facebook advertising.Taking a different look: a case study of Forex4you’s success with Aitarget

Their advertising campaign aimed to expand their customer base and encourage new users to register with their app. If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video worth?

Aitarget suggested an innovative approach to Forex4you, using 360 Video to provide a sense of user immersion to their app interface and showcasing it from a variety of angles.


Juris Leznins, Head Of Marketing at E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc.:


“We, as an open-minded broker, are always looking for opportunities to increase the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. With this particular campaign we wanted to see if 360 video ad will be more attractive compared to the simple video ad.”


Forex4you operates worldwide, but this campaign focused on Thailand.

As a demonstration of the effectiveness of 360 Video, Aitarget and Forex4you ran a A/B test campaign for a fortnight, with two types of ad sets both focused on the same broad audience of 25-50 year old male Android users in Thailand. The first ad set included a standard (non-interactive) video with app demonstration. For the second, 360 Video was utilised.



The A/B test for the first two weeks of the ad sets impression showed that panoramic video cut the cost per new user registration by 20%. Use of 360 Video not only made the company stand out in a crowded market, it significantly improved core metrics.

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Banking on a Happy Couple Mon, 24 Jun 2019 14:12:34 +0000

How banks and fintech companies can combine Facebook Dynamic Ads with lead generation to open up new possibilities

Facebook Dynamic Ads allow brands to automatically update information about their products that gets shown to the social media audience.

If you’re a business looking to utilise Dynamic Ads, you can use your Facebook Ad account to launch ads for travelautomotive, and real estate, or use a standard product catalogue (e.g. for retail and e-commerce) created in the format accepted by Facebook.

A Dynamic Ad is built from different data elements in the product catalogue according to a particular user’s interests and actions. For example, the ad a user is shown can be affected by the pages they visited, the goods in their cart or wishlist, and takes into account availability, prices, discounts, and other parameters.

Creating relevant ads is important for all businesses, but are Dynamic Ads the solution if your business isn’t the kind that gets added to cart, or sells a range of goods in a catalogue?

For financial technology companies and banks, changing data like currency rates and stock prices can be very important, and also highly relevant for potential customers.

While there is no special dynamic ads catalogue for fintech companies and banks, that doesn’t mean that such companies can’t utilise this highly effective Facebook ad format.

Fintech and banking Dynamic Ads are available via Aitarget, and allow you to update stock exchange prices for currency pairs sale and purchase, the spread (the difference between prices mentioned), and other financial indicators.


Watching the markets

Let’s take a look at how dynamic advertising technology can work for banks and fintech companies using the example of one of the most effective formats, Carousel.

With Carousel, each card in the rotation can display a currency pair, the price of its purchase and sale and spread. To achieve this, Aitarget technology will help you to create a source with the necessary data in the same way as if were creating a product catalogue.

The information in the Carousel ads will be uploaded and updated automatically, keeping the ad up-to-date on a regular basis, and very relevant at the moment the user sees it.



An example of dynamic advertising for banks and financial technologies


The settings for the ads are flexible: you could set the time of updating for the exchange’s opening and closing hours, or choose a more appropriate time.

Prompt price notifications are the hook here for new traders and those who’ve already used your brokerage platform to take deep target actions (e.g. add funds to their account).


Better together

Given that conversions for banks and fintech companies are related to requests and registrations, we recommend that you combine the power of Dynamic Ads and Lead Ads.

With this combination of social media tools, after a user has interacted with a dynamic video or Carousel ad, they will be driven to a lead form where they can easily leave their contact details, without having to switch from Facebook to a third-party website.



An example of combining Dynamic Ads for fintech and a lead form


Our experience shows that conversions for the Facebook lead form are higher than those for lead forms on an external website, since the user doesn’t have to fill in as many gaps themselves. There is very little they have to do manually: their required name, email, and phone number can be automatically entered from their Facebook profile.

For banks and fintech companies who wish to collect other relevant information (e.g. customer payment information), you’ll need further permission to process such personal data. You can use Lead Ads that drive traders to your website to give additional data.

Setting things up in this way can help increase the quality of leads for banks and fintech companies. Combining Dynamic Ads with Lead Ads means that traders who complete both actions (filling in a lead form in the ad itself then heading to your website) are more likely to be highly engaged and wish to continue dealing with your platform.


Patrick Luk
June 24, 2019
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Getting Personal: a Case Study Wed, 05 Jun 2019 15:04:26 +0000

How Aitarget’s innovative tools saw a trading app hyperpersonalise its videos to great effect

As the great Maya Angelou once said, “If you don’t know where you’ve come from, you don’t know where you’re going”. So first, let’s dig into some history.

Back in 2016, we at Aitarget spotted two emerging trends in terms of Facebook advertising: personalisation and video. So we created a video tool that allows our clients to mass-produce video ads based on a template, that get tuned to various targeting settings.

One of the first experiences with this tool was its use for a mobile app with maps, when it showed a map of a certain country in relation to a user’s location. This basic personalisation helped our client MAPS.ME to double the number of app installs.

Soon it became clear that videos could be personalised based on product feeds as well as target audience settings. So we started making videos with automatically updated product feeds. This meant the consumer got ad impressions of goods or services that were more relevant to them, and they responded to such advertising more willingly.

This was an innovative solution in the industry, and that same year Facebook awarded our product with the Innovation Spotlight Trophy for Personalised Marketing at Scale.

The undeniable advantage of our product for advertisers is that personalised videos can be created in unlimited numbers, permanently updating the relevance of products with minimal effort. With our tool, you can create thousands of videos in the same amount of time as it would take to create a single video constructed from a ready template.


Okay, that’s the past – what about today?

Nowadays, video is becoming the most significant format in advertising, especially in mobile.

Video content is increasingly dominating our Facebook and Instagram News Feeds. At the same time, one and a half times more people watch videos on smartphones than on computers. According to Facebook’s forecasts, by 2021 more than 78% of global mobile traffic will be from videos.

In the same study, among the apparent advantages of mobile videos respondents identified ubiquitous viewing capabilities (64% of responses), personalisation (53%) and convenience compared to other devices (46%). Users like personalised videos on Facebook and they actively create, view, and share such content.

It’s not just users who see personalisation as an advantage. Brian Hale, Growth Marketing VP at Facebook, graphically demonstrated in his F8 presentation that personalised newsletters give a 40% increase in conversions. Another statistic said that the retention rate of personalised videos is on average 35% higher than a standard video.

The benefit is obvious.

But how could this tool be applied to the vertical of financial technologies, where, as Facebook claims, “creativity is a lever for a business in finance”?

Together with we came up with an elegant solution that has paid back the costs for the overall Facebook ads delivery many times over.


Case Study:

We took a challenge to launch a mock campaign for mobile app installs from 1-30 April.


Anita Koimur, Head of New Business at Aitarget:

“We love to experiment in our internal Innovation Lab, and when we came to the client with our idea, we were sure that this approach should work. But since the solution is the only one of its kind in the world, as far as we are aware, we did not know exactly what ROAS to count on. It just so happened that the result has exceeded all expectations.”


We assembled the target audience from retargeting, and expanded it with a Lookalike audience: an audience of new users with similar interests. Then we restricted the audience by age, gender, and first-tier countries to narrow it to statistically more probable traders.
Next, we collected volatility data from the current day and started showing it to the audience, updating the feed daily to automatically generate new video creatives.As a result, every single member of the target audience saw a specially tuned clip with up-to-date data of the shares that they either already traded or were potentially interested in.Thanks to this automatic hyperpersonalisation, everyday targeted users receive the ad content that most meets their prime needs.

Thus, the velocity and scale with which we displayed the latest market data in ads contributed a great deal in the campaign’s success.


Max Morokko, Marketing Tech Lead at

‘As a partner Aitarget goes far beyond just providing an interface to manage and automate your ads; nowadays all Facebook Marketing Partners do so and at the same time advanced clients build their own automations. Aitarget helped us translate into action dynamic templated videos based on information from a live volatility feed. Against a background of overall stagnation in vertical in general, dynamic videos generated greater than 200% of ROAS in the very first month.”


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Tunnelling Your Way to Fortune Thu, 21 Mar 2019 14:29:18 +0000

How Aitarget’s budget optimisation for financial broker Exness increased conversions and reduced cost per registration.

Advertising on Facebook flows through a few stages: choosing a clear objective, making a creative, setting your targeting, and then managing your ad campaign budget.

When it comes to managing your budget, it is not enough to set a bidding strategy once and then leave your campaign to run without making changes. Your budget may elapse too quickly, before you get the required audience reach, or your budget may not be fully spent – raising questions about whether you made the most of your ad campaign.

Fortunately, there are settings in Facebook Ads Manager that allow you to manage campaigns automatically and balance your budget across ad sets.

Financial broker Exness teamed with Aitarget to optimise their ads budget. Using Aitarget’s automation tunnel strategy helped to increase the number of registrations on Exness’s brokerage platform and lower their cost.


Why a tunnel?

A tunnel is an interval between the upper and lower bounds of the cost per target action (CPA). Depending on your campaign objective, you may be focused on cost per conversion, reach, lead, engagement, and so on. The tunnel is established based either on a bid or a daily budget: the algorithm will manage these parameters depending on the CPA changes.

For instance, if the CPA of a particular ad set jumps above your maximum, the automation reduces the daily budget for all ads in this ad set. If an ad set performs well and the CPA drops down within a competitive minimum, the automation boosts the budget of this ad set to bring more impressions at a lower cost.

If an ad set does not have enough budget to secure a targeted action, the automation increases it for all ads to start performing.

In a nutshell, the tunnel automation distributes your ad budget within a campaign so that the ads with the most profitable CPA get more impressions, less successful ads improve their results, and the most ineffective ad sets are suspended.


Case Study: Going into the tunnel with Exness

Exness worked with Aitarget on an ad campaign for an audience in Thailand.The campaign consisted of five ad sets, to each of which we applied a tunnel strategy to automate the budget. We opted to use the daily budget of the ad sets as the main parameter to achieve Exness’s goals of increasing the number of registrations, reducing their cost, and gaining more users with billing information on the platform.


“We could see that Facebook’s Campaign Budget Optimisation (CBO) was not driving optimal results and was funneling budget into underperforming ad sets,” says Carl Dunne, Programmatic Advertising Manager at Exness. “However, the alternative in manually optimising budget on an ad set level is incredibly labor intensive. We approached Aitarget for help in automating these budget optimisations and to drive performance at scale.”



We monitored the two-week dynamics of budget automation. Starting from the first day we noticed a decline in cost per registration (CPR) and the growth of registered users.

On the third day, the number of registrations increased tenfold. This result was the best within the entire two-week test. Exness got the most registrations at the best price: the CPR dropped down 12 times compared to the CPR before our automation.



CPR and Registrations dynamics before and after budget automation

Compared with the results of the previous two weeks, a fortnight of tunnel automations increased the number of registrations by 4.2 times while reducing the CPR by 3.8 times.



CPR and registrations dynamics for two weeks of automation


Exness also got registrations of high quality: 70.5% of registered users added their billing information to the platform. The cost of this action – a key indicator of the company’s KPI – has decreased by 70%.


“Implementing the tunnel automation significantly improved our performance in a very short time frame, lowering our CPA while increasing our acquisition volume, which is an incredible achievement,” notes Dunne. “Beyond the obvious performance upside, using these automations also frees up our Campaign Managers’ time from focusing on daily optimization to now focusing on the bigger picture of their social marketing.”


Client Solutions Manager at Aitarget, says:


“The tunnel automation is an opportunity for business to reduce the cost of targeted actions without losing their quality, and to scale results without a critical increase in costs. The Exness case demonstrates that automations along with properly configured targeting helps to achieve substantial results within KPIs.”


At the end of our tunnel, take a glance at the screen of your smartphone, and you will see the brilliance of the Exness campaign creative:


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The Honey Test: How Tasty Are Your Facebook Ads? Tue, 22 Jan 2019 17:39:59 +0000

Our experts have analysed Facebook advertising for trading companies and uncovered how advertising budgets can be easily blown, wasted, or spent inefficiently.How do you prevent that happening? We invite you to take our quiz to evaluate your fintech marketing skills and learn more about the specifics of Facebook Ads for financial technologies.


How do I play?

For each question, click or tap on your chosen answer/s (there may be more than one correct answer). Hit ‘Next’ after you’re satisfied with your choices.

You will need to make one extra step at the end to find out your results and get all answer keys.

What are you waiting for? Dive in…


Olga Loginova
January 22, 2019
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Creatives Thinking – Part 2 Tue, 15 Jan 2019 15:13:00 +0000

The second half of our how-to guide for fintech companies to improve their online creatives and outperform the competition

An abridged version of the article was first published in Business 2 Community.

In part one, we shared how advertisers have such little time to capture social media users’ attention (on average they spend only 2.5 seconds interacting on desktop, only 1.7 seconds on mobile), three universal keys, and some practical tips for fintech companies.

Now, Aitarget’s team of fintech advertising specialists provides further practical tips based on our analysis of brokers’ creatives. We discovered things that can help fintech advertisers succeed and the things that most often prevent you from gaining conversions.


Be eye-catching

Image is the first thing an audience pays attention to in digital advertising, because the rest is inconvenient to look at. Time matters, convenience is king: 70% of active Facebook users consume information on-the-run, 20% scroll their feed sitting in transport or standing in line, and only 10% devote their time to such content while sitting down somewhere, e.g. having coffee.

So we recommend that you strive for a higher-quality visual presentation of your ads and show your product’s abilities and benefits in a striking and visual way, so things come across clearly without additional text explanations.



Choose your words wisely

Don’t overlook the power of words. You should use text only in special slots (title, body, call-to-action).

It’s not the best idea to combine text with an image, except when the text is part of your product. Using too much text can worsen the perception of a creative, so restrict yourself to captions or names for your metrics; don’t put in detail on the images explaining your product’s benefits.

Use Facebook Image Text Check to confirm how well any text is placed in your creative. This tool evaluates the chances of an image to pass moderation and reach its target audience.


Love at first sight

First impressions don’t only matter in social media advertising, they’re everything.

In 2014, neuroscientists discovered the brain processes visual information in 13 milliseconds. That’s how much time you have to make contact with a potential client. That’s why ads should be very clear on first sight. Visuals should be striking, text concise.



Dynamic formats

Aitarget’s experience shows that fintech companies mainly use static images in their ads.

We strongly recommend you consider videos and dynamic ad formats, which greatly increase users’ desire to interact with your ad and product.

Using Facebook Video Creation Kit, you can easily build simple video with slideshows, adding movement and interest to your ads. Go even deeper with Carousel in Instagram Stories, which allow you to use up to 10 horizontal cards in one ad.

Immerse the audience in your product. You could use the panoramic effect of 360 Video or Playable Ads. It allows potential customers to test your app before installing it.



Who are you?

Whatever your campaign goal is, your ads should encourage a direct response from potential customers (e.g. conversions) as well as increasing your overall brand awareness.

To do this, always mention your brand and show your product. The balance between these elements may vary in accordance to your place in the market, how well the audience already knows you, and whether you’re looking for conversions or focused on brand awareness.



Given the brain only needs 13 milliseconds to process visual information, you can get the audience to see you and remember you with a quick flash of your branding.

In a short video targeted at direct responses, show all elements according to a simple scheme: the essence of your product, its main advantage, your brand.



What counts?

Numbers are vital for fintech companies and their clients. So grab audience attention by showing the most relevant and important numbers (e.g. deposit size, transaction speed, rates) using a larger font. Use smaller fonts for explanations, the tiniest for any required license data.



Be personal

Choose your creatives for each audience, taking into account its characteristics. Don’t forget to set up targeting for themed creatives for users with certain interests.

The reverse is also true: don’t include interest groups and Lookalike audiences too broadly for targeted ads as this can backfire (we recommend excluding interest group, Lookalikes, retargeting and users who have already made conversions from the ad sets).

For example, during the FIFA World Cup advertiser made creatives with a football theme. But when setting up targeting, including ad sets targeted to a too wide audience based on gender and age (including those who don’t care about football) caused negative comments.

Facebook takes those negatives as signs of ad mismatch, lowering the relevance diagnostics (indicator of the ad’s relevance) results, ads lost the auction considered because they’re irrelevant, and campaign became more expensive with poor overall performance.



Don’t bank on it

While photo banks can be convenient resources, we don’t recommend you search for creatives there. Everybody uses stock photos, and even if you find an image you really like, there’s a high chance it’s already been used by another advertiser.

Stock photos also tend to be generic, using simplified concepts that don’t tie to or boost your business. For example, a potential trader who sees an arm drawing a graph won’t grasp to which part of your company the ad is related to or anything about the product you offer.

However, stock images can be appropriate if you customise them with your product and brand.



To sum up our guidance, we offer a checklist so you can assess your creatives. Check out your ads – how many points will you get?



Patrick Luk
January 15, 2019
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Creatives Thinking – Part 1 Tue, 08 Jan 2019 14:54:47 +0000

Aitarget’s how-to guide for fintech companies to improve their online creatives, address weaknesses, and outperform the competition.

An abridged version of the article was first published in Business 2 Community.

One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi. Three seconds.

According to Facebook’s own data, that’s more time than the average social media user spends interacting with a piece of content. Scrolling through their News Feed, people spend on average only 2.5 seconds with a piece of content when on their desktop, and just 1.7 seconds on mobile.

Time is precious, our environment is fast-paced, and you have to quickly capture your potential audience’s attention. It’s vital that you interest the audience and encourage them to quickly make targeted actions on your website or app. Every moment of a video ad can drive value.

While you can find potential clients using correctly set targeting and optimisations, often you can only attract their attention with the appearance of your ads, the visual impact of your creatives.

So how can fintech companies use their creatives to entice users? Aitarget’s team of fintech advertising specialists ran an analysis of brokers’ creatives and summarised dos and donts. Here is what most often prevent advertisers from gaining conversions.



To increase your ads’ chances to attract an audience, we’ve created this two-part guide with tips on creatives and examples of successful solutions and choices to avoid.


Use the three keys

From the start, check that you are using the three main advertising keys when it comes to gathering demo requests and website registrations: benefit, diversity, and persuasiveness.



First of all, explain the way in which your product is beneficial. This is the first lever: attract users’ attention to what it is you offer that can help them deal with their issues.

It is best to demonstrate specific opportunities and benefits, rather than saying something abstract or too general that won’t catch your audience’s attention or stand out as a solution.

  • Bad: We are the best international broker.
  • Better:We explain how to work with forex platforms to achieve revenue growth up to 200% a year.




Second, change your creatives regularly. Sticking with a video that once brought good results and just showing it many times over will cause banner blindness. Users will start ignoring ads which they repeatedly see or have gotten too used to.

The solution is to update your creatives constantly. Base your creatives on successful principles, but experiment a little too and try to avoid repetition or too much similarity.

Where would you get enough ideas to provide a range of different creative? A hot tip: don’t try to show all the advantages of your products, technology, or additional services in a single ad. Instead, share details about various aspects of the benefits you provide across several ads. You can demonstrate each of the advantages in more detail and target audiences more specifically.

Keep in mind that Facebook monitors the frequency of ad impressions from the same advertiser. This means that depending on ad placement, a user will see your ads no more than once each three to 12 hours.

  • Bad: A long video describing in detail 15 advantages of your platform. You invested a lot in production and the video is like a short movie about your company.
  • Better:15 different creatives demonstrating the benefits of your product from various angles. Launch A/B tests to monitor which of them your audience perceives the best.




The third key: show don’t tell. Visual demonstrations are more effective than the most accurate written description of your product’s operating principles and advantages.

For example, show your app from different perspectives to assure your potential clients that you offer a convenient tool to help solve their problems and meet their objectives.



Following these three main advertising keys above (benefit, diversity, visual persuasiveness) will improve your creatives regardless of your vertical, and likely lead to better results.

In the forthcoming part 2 of this feature we’ll share further practical tips for fintech companies looking to improve their Facebook ads and drive higher conversions, including the correct use of text, dynamic formats, brand awareness, and the best way to use numbers in your creatives.


Patrick Luk
January 8, 2019
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Brokering Better Ad Results Mon, 26 Nov 2018 17:53:12 +0000

Aitarget’s step-by-step advertising guide for fintech companies

Success in Facebook advertising is built on four pillars: 1) bid, 2) targeting, 3) funnel, and 4) creative. Their importance as foundations for good advertising is comparable to the importance of bidding strategies on the stock exchange.

To keep these pillars stable and your Facebook ads from wasting your budget, we’ve created this step-by-step guide to building a firm ad foundation for fintech companies.


It starts with a Pixel (or SDK)

Working with fintech companies we were surprised to discover that 22% don’t use Facebook Pixel in their marketing arsenal. This is a big mistake.

Failing to use Pixel means you can’t make the most of Facebook advertising: to correctly analyse the funnel, or to set up targeting and audience properly.

If you have no Pixel on your website right now, start by installing it.

Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that is placed on a website to collect data on user actions. Pixel reports on how users got to the website, which sections they opened, whether they signed up or made any other targeted actions. Pixel helps to determine the most engaged users, those who were closest to a targeted action.


As the figure above shows, even when businesses have installed a Facebook Pixel, there can still be issues with how it is used which will affect your advertising success.

Having gathered such data on users’ behaviour on your website, you can then target ads towards those who have already shown interest and are more likely to become your clients. Using Pixel data you can also create Lookalike audiences, which allow you to target new users who are similar to your current visitors by behaviour and interests.

You can also use Facebook SDK to collect data on mobile app users. It works the same way as Pixel does for websites, collecting statistics on the actions of potential clients.

To make sure everything works as it should after installing Pixel, use our checklist.


Define the Funnel

You should have a clear image of your client’s pathway from first contact with your company right up to opening an actual account. This is crucial for refining the engagement. Make a roadmap of your client journeys. For instance, a user sees an ad, then goes to the website where he or she clicks on sections in the menu, signs up, starts a demo account, opens an actual account, and finally tops it up regularly.



Consider what road signs you should use on this pathway, so that you can narrow down the funnel for as many people as possible. The journey can begin and shorten at any of its points, e.g. when a user opens an actual account without using a demo version.

The more steps potential clients have to take, the more chances you lose them.

Let new clients get to the finish (the desired action) with the smoothest possible route. For instance, combine a website visit and sign up with the Lead Ads format, so users will share contacts or start an account directly in the ad.


Diversify your portfolio

Traders understand the power of diversification, and the same holds true with online advertising. Try different formats. We have learnt from working with fintech companies that Lead Ads, as well as Instant Experience (former Canvas), attract traders the best.


Lead Ads

When set up correctly, this format lowers the cost of a targeted action. Someone interested in your product fills in a Lead Form, and you will use that data for further contact.



Source: Facebook


Instant Experience

This full-screen ad for mobile devices, or a mini landing, consists of images, videos, slideshows, a Carousel or Collection.

You can demonstrate a range of products and services and allow users to familiarise themselves with your offerings without leaving the social network.



Source: Facebook


Get moving

We recommend using videos instead of static images in your advertising. From our experience, a video performs better than even the most successful and creative image.

For trading, 360° is one of the most effective advertising video formats. In these volumetric panoramic videos viewers can easily change the angle with a mouse or by tilting a smartphone. Financial service companies rarely use such videos, so by using the format you will immediately stand out and attract attention.



Aitarget’s 360° Video for ForexClub


Be dynamic

We recommend using dynamic constituents in your ads. To enhance personalisation and user engagement, we propose auto-updating of information in your ads. For instance, display actual stock buying-selling prices, their changes, and currency pairs.

Use a product feed with automatically refreshing data, e.g. in a video with a graph of share prices the curve changes direction automatically in accordance with the actual share prices. Such feeds are available for static images in Carousels and Instant Experiences or for a Single Video.



Aitarget’s Dynamic Video with automatic graphics generation for


Forget clicks, target the right actions!

If you’ve ever heard that conversions depend on the number of clicks you get – forget it! That’s a lie. According to an internal Facebook study, the correlation between clicks and targeted actions is less than one per cent. Focus on what you really need.

Through Pixel and other technologies, Facebook learns to show your ads to the users who are most likely to take a particular action, through optimisation of this action. The target action for your ad isn’t always a click. Optimise your ad campaign to the index that is most important to your results, because this will help you lower the costs.


Place your bids mindfully

A bid defines the price you pay for showing your ad. It is constantly changing from auction to auction, so the price for the impression off the same ad will fluctuate.When you set up a bid, pay attention to its two types. You can either put your faith in Facebook’s targeted action cost optimisation or set the bid yourself.

In the first case, Facebook’s algorithm will seek the lowest price for a targeted action. This strategy can lead to cost fluctuation with respect to growing competition at the auction. The bid may unexpectedly rise.

Should you wish to regulate the price of each conversion, the manual bid is your choice. You will get more predictable costs on targeted actions, and the bid will never go higher than the level set by you.


Tidy up! Keep your ad account neat

You have set the Pixel, designed the funnel, made effective creatives, set the optimisation on conversions, but there’s still something missing.

In order to make your campaign its most effective, above all, you should run A/B-testing. This will demonstrate to which audience and with which creative it is better to target.

Next, make sure the audiences in ad sets within a single campaign do not overlap.

Otherwise your ads will start competing against each other and the price of your targeted action will rise. Use Show audience overlap in Business Manager’s Audience section to cross-check your audiences.

Throughout this guide we have highlighted the main rules for financial brokers to run a successful ad campaign on Facebook, but each business is unique. So our experts are always happy to offer you an individual solution to make your ads most efficient.

Patrick Luk
November 26, 2018


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Riding the Carousel for Greater Success Fri, 20 Apr 2018 16:36:24 +0000

How FBS doubled conversions with Carousel in Instagram Stories

A new ad format + Aitarget’s expertise = double the success. It was a great equation and a staggering result for FBS, an international award-winning Forex broker that operates in almost 200 countries, with seven million traders and 130,000 partners.

Teaming up with Aitarget, FBS was one of the first businesses to take advantage of Carousel in Instagram Stories, a decision that doubled its conversions with no increase in its budget.

Instagram released Carousel in Stories in February. As a partner, we at Aitarget got early access and we were able to help our clients quickly launch highly interactive 3-in-1 ads.

The Carousel format allows businesses to make their Stories ads native and interactive. Brands can use up to three pieces of media (image or video) to tell an engaging story and capture audience attention. It’s a creative format that delivers clear business results.

Aitarget recommends taking advantage of the video capabilities of the Carousel format.

Video is the most memorable way for brands to connect with an audience; people remember 95% of a message told through video, compared to only 10% from text. Over half of video content is consumed on mobile, and vertical video on Instagram is taking the spotlight for how brands can communicate with their audience.


Case Study: FBS breaks new ground

FBS worked with Aitarget to start a brand awareness campaign with the aim of converting website traffic to registered website users with minimal CPA.

FBS customised a branded video story specifically for the Carousel in Instagram Stories format. Their Story communicated a simple message of who they are.

Evgeniya Hozhajlova, Senior Marketing Manager of FBS, says:


“Facebook is one of the biggest advertising channels for our company and it’s always a pleasure to test new features, marketing tools, and ad formats. We are also glad to cooperate with Facebook Marketing partners such as Aitarget and increase results together. Thank you everyone for a great job!”


Based on Aitarget’s experience with Instagram Stories, we’ve distilled some key points from our various clients’ successful Carousel in Stories campaigns.

  • Content must be relevant, make sure you grab the attention of the audience;
  • The video option allows advertisers to display not just one, but three 0-15 second videos – so it’s important to include multiple scenes and some mystery;
  • Instagram Stories ads that take longer to reveal the key message tend to be more successful (Facebook IQ).

Therefore, the best strategy for Carousel in Instagram Stories is to use a teaser format in the first and second stories to give off a sense of mystery and reveal the brand in the third one to complete the whole story.

The FBS campaign is a great example. Here is what their video Story looked like:


Looks good, but what about the results?

After a week, CPA dropped 28% in comparison to all placements, and 33% in comparison to conversions from Instagram Stories. Overall, the FBS campaign doubled the number of conversions from Instagram Stories, while the budget remained the same.

Ali Heder, Chief Marketing Officer of FBS, says:


“As a fintech company, we are using the latest technology and advertisement techniques for our products. Facebook and Instagram provide an excellent opportunity to utilise new strategies and helps us to achieve marketing goals with efficiency, productivity, and profit.”


It’s an option well worth considering – engaging content that delivers great results.

Along with FBS, you can learn more about the success stories of some of our other clients, L’Oreal Paris and Megafon.


Patrick Luk
April 20, 2018
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