guide – My Blog Blog Wed, 03 Nov 2021 14:07:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 guide – My Blog 32 32 Smarter Facebook Management Tue, 27 Jul 2021 12:07:15 +0000

Aitarget explains how to utilise a new feature – Business Assets Groups – to join a variety of brand assets together and simultaneously assign them

If you’re managing ads for a large advertiser or advertising agency, then you’re likely to have dozens of assets in your Business Manager. From pages and advertising accounts for each brand, to their pixels, Instagram profiles, apps, catalogues, events, and more.

Previously, you had to assign access and roles to each of these assets individually. It could be a laborious and time-consuming process. Now, Facebook has tidied that task up with Business Assets Groups. Brand managers can now select the most relevant grouping of assets for your business, and control user access to the entire group all at once.

The new Business Assets Group feature is located in the Account section of the Business Settings in your Facebook Business Manager.



Here’s how to use it.

1. Start by creating a new group and deciding how you want your assets to be organised. Choose from the list the structure that suits your business best.



2. Name the asset group (Brand, Client, Region, other relevant name).



3. Collect in the business asset group all the resources you want to manage simultaneously.



4. Set the permission or skip this step to complete it at any later time.



5. Congratulations, you’re all done!



Once you’ve created your new Business Assets Group, you can always remove objects from the group or add new ones, rename your group, and assign or delete users.


Julia Beketova
August 28, 2019
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An eHoliday Like No Other Tue, 29 Sep 2020 08:16:47 +0000

16.jpgHave you started rolling out your Holiday campaigns? It’s high time! This season will be a bit different from what we’re used to, but people are searching for customary discounts online more actively than ever before.Here is a handy guide for you as my team and I developed tips on how eCom advertisers get a better ROI for holiday season advertising.In this eBook we dive into:

  • What makes this holiday season special (with key audience insights)
  • How to tailor your creatives to changes to make them catalyst for conversions (with check-up section)
  • How to act on each funnel stage with your creatives
  • Why personal approach makes ads resonate better
  • How to upgrade marketing through machine learning

Should you be interested, click the button and grab your copy for free!


Julia Beketova
September 29, 2020
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Facebook Marketing Partners: How They Can Help Businesses Fri, 18 Sep 2020 09:17:24 +0000

We are excited to announce that Aitarget have earned the Facebook Marketing Partner badge for Creative Platform, which complements the badge for Advertising Technology that we received in 2016. Facebook offers many promotional opportunities, and Facebook Marketing Partners expand them even further. Let’s find out when and why it is worth cooperating with Facebook Marketing Partners.

In short, Facebook Marketing Partners are technology companies and agencies. Facebook Marketing Partners supplement Facebook’s advertising tools and make crafting and fine-tuning campaigns easier and more efficient. The areas cover interactions between business and Facebook and vary from campaign and community management to organizing a sales system.

If you need to solve any of the following tasks, working with a partner will make it faster and more convenient:

  1. Campaign management (automation at different levels)
  2. Community and Pages management
  3. Creative solutions (everything connected with creation and improvement of visual content for advertising and social networks)
  4. Feeds for Dynamic Ads creation/adjustment
  5. Lead generation
  6. Analytics (especially for mobile apps)
  7. Management of messengers and chat rooms with clients
  8. Integration of online and offline conversion
  9. Sales through Facebook
  10. Advanced pixel management
  11. Launch of Collaborative ads (product ad format that partners retailers and brands that sell through them)


How to Сhoose a Partner

Facebook has built a directory where you can conveniently search for a partner with sought-after features. Being a Facebook Marketing Partner for Creative and Advertising Technology ourselves, we recommend considering the following when making your choice:

  • Badge

The directory includes both badged and non-badged partners (the hallmark is the blue icon).



The difference is that the technologies and expertise of badged partners have been tested for quality and reliability by Facebook.

  • Qualification

Badged partners’ profiles indicate the type of solution that they were badged for.



Here are the solutions you’ll see most frequently.


Advertising Technology

Advertising Technology was the first established certification category and marked the beginning of Facebook Partners. It still has the strongest requirements: a partner must present a successful product based on Facebook API. The key benefit of such products is that they allow them to create ever-green Facebook campaigns that constantly and automatically improve themselves.

Who to contact: Aitarget, KeplerKenshooMerkleMarin SoftwareSprinklr, and many others



Building and testing creatives are the only things that advertising platforms have not yet learned how to fully automate, unlike how it is for bidding and targeting. Facebook tools are constantly getting smarter, and they already know who to show ads to, when, and at what price – better than a marketing specialist can.

But what to show? This question is increasingly complicated, as there are now dozens of placements and formats, each requiring particular specifications. This coupled with the need to constantly change and update creatives because of burnout, leads to brands and companies lacking resources needed to keep up when creating effective creatives. This is what Facebook creative partners help to cope with: there’s a 10 times difference between the performance of an inefficient creative and that of an engaging one.

You can build on-brand and product videos in a matter of seconds, launch individually templated ads enriched with any data, and set up personalization that appeals to your audience’s interests/behavior (or even implement third-party data like weather or pollution). Some creative partners collaborate with bloggers to set up measurable conversion promotions.

Who to contact: Aitarget, CanvaCaptiv8ChuteInfluential, InsenseLoomlyMagistoSprinklrRipl, and others


What’s the result of collaborating with a Partner?

It all depends on the category and service capabilities of the company. For example, our creative platform takes up smart crafting, producing ready-to-launch creatives for all kinds of placements and formats at each funnel stage, from brand awareness to conversion.

It is good at:

  • Making videos based on any source data, including product feeds and corporate identity. This makes it so you don’t have to attract developers or designers.
  • Creating personalized videos for your audience depending on their interests/life events/product use conditions, even if it is the weather, geography, or any other 3rd-party data. This allows you to treat your customers individually.
  • Building brand and product videos in just 45 seconds in branded templates enriched with additional data (prices and special offers, ratings, and reviews from the website). This lets users select products while still watching the ad.
  • Making feed-based creatives better, supplementing them with all kinds of data. This allows you to highlight the best angles of your products.
  • Automatically testing and selecting the most conversion-packed creatives and targeting to achieve business results quicker.

Here are some examples of how we can extend the default Facebook functionality available to everyone.

Philips was able to explain why a climate complex is necessary for every home by demonstrating the real level of pollution in every city



Philips’ air purifier sales grew 6.6 times. The premium model became a bestseller in the brand’s online store. In comparison with the average value, Cost per ThruPlay decreased by 52%, CPC by 15%, while the View-through rate increased by one point. Polluted cities with a low BAQI value had the lowest CPC.

Askona, Russia’s largest anatomic mattress and sleep product manufacturer, added product reviews to its Facebook dynamic ads.



The number of purchases increased by 19%, and the percentage of visits that resulted in a purchase increased by 2.3 timesIncome generated by ads with overlays increased by 19% with equal promotion costs.


Summary of Facebook Marketing Partners for Advertisers

  1. Facebook Marketing Partners are technology companies and agencies.
  2. Partners are necessary for those who want to extend the built-in functionality of Facebook, get more convenient access to support, and use higher-level advertising.
  3. While choosing a partner, you should be focused on business tasks and goals.
  4. To understand the status of a partner, pay attention to what they have been badged for.

Today, about 12.5 million ads crafted through our platform are displayed on social media every second. Yours could be among them, so contact us at or request a demo and we will discuss tailoring our solutions for your tasks today.


Julia Beketova
September 18, 2020
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Protect and Enhance Your Brand: Why You Need Facebook Business Manager Wed, 26 Feb 2020 15:10:44 +0000

Facebook and Aitarget, the social network’s marketing partner, explain how to harness greater success using Business Manager

This article was first published on Digital Doughnut.

If you don’t use the right tools, advertising on Facebook can be ineffective, or even damage your brand. Facebook Business Manager is a free tool through which you can manage accounts, Pages, and users permission, as well as track statistics through one interface.

Facebook recommends Business Manager to all advertisers who manage multiple pages and advertising accounts along with other people and teams, inside the company and out. This is especially useful for big brands, where marketing may be handled by big internal teams and external vendors. Who is going to control what is created?


Don’t risk your business – it’s just a couple of clicks

Here’s a routine situation: a brand turns to an advertising agency to do their marketing.

This agency already uses Business Manager. To make it easier for the brand, the agency creates a business Page, account, pixel, product catalogue, and other assets on their side – inside their own Business Manager. As a result, the advertising agency in practice (and also potentially in law) becomes the owner of all brand assets created on Facebook.

At some point, the brand changes its business goals and priorities, and decides to turn to another agency. And this is where problems can begin: all the created assets need to be correctly transferred from agency to agency, nothing must be lost, and some things have to be set up again or restored.

This is an optimistic scenario. The worst outcome is that the first agency, the creator and the owner of all accounts and pages, refuses to transfer rights to the new agency. All statistics, access and pixel data, catalogues, and other information the brand has about their audience and conversions – data they have been gathering for years – could be lost forever.


Why Business Manager?

So what should brands do? Keep all your creative assets under your own personal control by creating your own Business Manager, where all your data will be safe.

You can add users and open access to certain assets for various tasks.


“Facebook always cares that all users and advertisers feel safe using all platforms,” says Ekaterina Nazarova, the Agency Solutions Manager Russia for Facebook. “We constantly update our algorithms and safety systems, but you can also take measures to protect yourself from unforeseen situations on Facebook. Tools that make your work more convenient will help here. For advertisers this is, first and foremost, Business Manager.


This tool, explains Nazarova, collects all pixels, catalogues, Pages, audiences, apps, Instagram accounts, and other assets in a single interface. Using it will ensure safe data storage and more convenient access to the tools for your staff.

Overall, brands need Business Manager because it provides:

● Convenience: more than one person can do marketing within your company.

● Effective management: you have multiple business pages, ad accounts, pixels, and other assets.

● Safety: for when you work with contractors and agencies that set up and launch your campaigns, manage your page, accounts and pixels.

● Confidentiality: when you want to separate managing your business on Facebook from your personal affairs.


I don’t use Business Manager – where should I start?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on setting up and starting to use Business Manager.

1. Log in to Facebook using your personal account

Advertising activity is only available to users who are registered on Facebook. If you’re not registered, it is impossible to create an ad account or a business Page. Creating a Business Manager is only possible through a personal Facebook profile.

Don’t worry about confidentiality: other users who have access to Business Manager will only see your name, work address, and which Pages and ad accounts you have access to.

Everyone who gains access to your Business Manager will also have to be logged in to their personal Facebook profile. This will allow you to see who edited a campaign or an ad.

Be aware: Facebook doesn’t allow multiple people to use the same account or create fake users. Facebook’s team bans such accounts for violating their terms of use.

2. Go to

In the upper right hand corner, click the «Create campaign» button.



3. Enter your company name, your first name, and your email



4. Fill out all the necessary information about your organisation



5. Your Business Manager is ready.
Use your new tool to create an ad account, add a business Page, and select and add all the users who will manage your ads.

For newly created Business Managers, there may be a limit on creating accounts – not more than one. This limit will increase depending on how much you spend on ads.

It is important to have and retain no less than two users with admin roles in your Business Manager. If one of the users leaves your company, the other will still have access to your business on Facebook, and your data won’t be lost. When a staff member leaves the company, make sure to remove them from Business Manager, and don’t forget to separately edit their rights in the business Page settings, if they had access.

6. Turn on two factor authentication for more safety

Two factor authentication gives additional protection to your business on Facebook. You can make it mandatory for admins and all users who have access to Business Manager. They will be required to enter in a special code each time when logging in from a new device.

All users also have to have two factor authentication activated for their personal accounts.

Two factor authentication is recommended to all advertisers without exception.

This is a surefire way to protect your account from hackers, who can otherwise steal money through payment methods tied to your Business Manager, or completely block your account due to Facebook policy violations.

7. Use special permissions to make work easier.

In Business Manager you can group assets together and restrict staff access to work on certain projects, receive notifications about objects that are important for the company, and create accounts with various payment methods and up to 100 pixels.


In a nutshell

If you want to preserve your company’s data, protect your page from hackers and unwanted intruders, and constantly keep your Facebook ad activity under personal control using only one tool, then the solution is clear: Facebook Business Manager.

This tool allows you to protect your brand’s reputation, as well as your assets and confidential data.


Julia Beketova
February 26, 2020
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Whiteout: a guide to Facebook’s fresh Business Manager interface Thu, 05 Dec 2019 08:25:22 +0000 Aitarget presents the what, where and hows of the new interface

For the first time in five years, Facebook has updated its user interface. The social network revealed its new design at the F8 Conference in May 2019, and immediately began progressively switching users to the new, white Facebook. Take a look:



The changes brought about with the new interface affect both regular Facebook users and businesses, as the clean, white redesign is also making its way into Business Manager.

Are you now having a hard time navigating your ads account? Never fear, Aitarget is here to guide you through all the major Business Manager updates.



In the new design, there’s a vertical menus on the left-hand side of the main page, which you can use to navigate your Business Manager account.

If you are looking for the menu that used to be on the upper panel, it is now available by clicking the dots opposite the Facebook logo. Here you will find the list of quick-access tabs.



To expand the full list of menu options (the list), click the arrows in the top right corner, just above the quick links.



Account overview

With the old interface, you could view your expenses statistics across all Business Manager accounts by clicking “Ad account overview” on the main page.



You won’t find that anymore in the new interface.

Now account reports are part of a separate tool – Ads Reporting.



Under Ads Reporting, you can view your ad spends and various metrics across separate accounts, as well as all ad metrics across all accounts at once.

You can use the same breakdowns and filters as in the Ads Manager.


Ads Manager

The standard Ads Manager level tabs are now located in the vertical menu on the left.



In good news, you don’t need to open a new tab to view your ad sets, updates, and their statistics. You can expand the structure of each campaign into levels by clicking the arrow at the start of the line.



The search box and filters are merged into a single field.



Delivery Insights and other functions remain in the same place as they were under the previous interface. Switch to the ad set level and hover over its status to view the statistics.



With its new Business Manager interface, Facebook has also changed the way you can access some features such as history changes, view charts, inspect, etc.

These can still be found in the same window as before. The difference is that they are no longer buttons, but separate tabs now.



Use this look-up table for Ads Manager to check.

These are the main changes to the new Business Manager interface that could easily cause confusion, but hopefully our handy guide has eased your way into Facebook’s new look.

Now it’s time to take advantage of the clean white slate, and harness the power of Facebook ads. For further updates on Business Manager tools and options, check the news page on Facebook Business.


Julia Beketova
December 5, 2019
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Long story short: campaign budget optimisation Mon, 05 Aug 2019 14:25:31 +0000

What Facebook’s shift of budgets to campaign level means for advertisers

In September, advertisers will see changes to the budget management options in Facebook ad accounts. Campaign budget optimisation (CBO) will become the default setting for most ad accounts.


What is campaign budget optimisation?

CBO is a way of handling your ad budget within a campaign. You set the overall campaign budget, then CBO uses algorithms to dynamically distribute the budgeted funds between ad sets based on their effectiveness and cost.


What happens without CBO? Whenever there’s a fixed budget for each ad set, funds can’t then be allocated to ad sets with lower CPA to increase overall conversions. As a result, you may be getting less optimal results while poorly performing ad sets keep wasting your money. Preventing this requires constant control with manual edits or setting up automated rules. Both options often reset the learning phase that helps optimise your ad delivery.

CBO solves these problems without affecting your ad sets’ learning process. With this new feature your campaign budget will constantly get redistributed between ad sets, providing more money for a specific group when it is most efficient.


Can I still limit an ad set’s budget?

Yes. You can set:

  • the maximum spending limit that will never be exceeded;
  • the minimum spending limit (the system will attempt to spend at least that amount, however it is not guaranteed).


How do I measure results?

Many advertisers currently assess the effectiveness of their social media campaigns based on each individual ad set. But with CBO the result rate, quantity, and cost in an ad set does not reflect campaign performance. Only the total number of target actions and their average cost at the campaign level can show how your optimised campaign performs.


What will happen with non-CBO campaigns?

Eligible Ad accounts are being switched to CBO-only in September. If your ad account is eligible, you will have received a notice from Facebook via email and in Ads Manager.



This means that you won’t be able to set a fixed ad set budget in any new campaigns.

All previously set campaigns and ad sets without CBO will keep going as is until their end date. You’ll be able to increase their budget or stop them, but other settings will be locked.

If you have not received a CBO migration notice in Ads Manager, this means your account isn’t eligible at this time and will not switch to CBO-only budgets.

However, you can still choose to use campaign budget optimisation to maximize your results. Just turn this option on during campaign creation.


Julia Beketova
August 5, 2019
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Interfaces for Uploading Creatives in Campaigns with Different Advertising Objectives Tue, 04 Jun 2019 17:35:06 +0000

When you start uploading your creatives, Aitarget Tool interface looks different for ads with different advertising objectives.


Mobile App




Additional options for Ad Campaign creation with a Mobile App Installs objective are:

  • Deep link (optional) – a link to open a specific page in the app;
  • Call to action (Install Mobile App, Open Mobile App, Play, Subscribe, and others).

For any Mobile Apps redirecting users to another website there is an optional field: Link Caption. This will be visible in the ad.






The mandatory parameter for any Website Clicks campaign is its Website URL. There is an option to insert macros automatically. Macros are used to automate the substitution of text segments with variable blocks for particular ads.





For a Website Conversions campaign you have the option to choose a conversion that will be used for Facebook optimisation from the pop-up Pixel list.


Facebook Page




When creating a campaign to promote a Page or gain subscribers, you are able to select a link (Link URL) which will redirect users to a particular page section:

  • Timeline;
  • Reviews;
  • Photos;
  • Videos;
  • Events;
  • Notes.


Post Engagement



To promote a post you need to choose the Page and the Post that you wish to boost.


Video Views



You can upload video creatives for the promotion of Views to your ad in several ways:

  • Download from the computer (you can drag the file directly from a folder and drop to the uploading window);
  • Download from the library of previously used creatives.


Products Catalogue



When you promote products, сreatives will be uploaded from a catalogue and product set. The catalogue should be selected at the stage of choosing the whole campaign objective and the set of products – at the stage of ad set creation.

Next you need to choose:

  • The Page from which you will advertise;
  • Instagram account, if you selected Instagram Feed or Instagram Stories as placements;
  • Text, title, description of the ad;
  • Call to action;
  • Mobile app (if available);
  • The way your link will open in the mobile app: open deep link in a mobile browser, in a mobile application (if it is impossible – the URL in the browser), open deep link in the app (if it is impossible – open the mobile app store);
  • Link to the website;
  • UTM parameters if available;
  • The order of the pictures.


Patrick Luk
June 4, 2019
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How to Advertise on Behalf of My Instagram Account with Ads Manager? Tue, 04 Jun 2019 17:30:59 +0000

To use an Instagram profile for promoting your brand with Ads Manager, you should add it to the business page of the advertised brand on Facebook.

To do this, the page administrator should open the brand page, go to Settings – Instagram and log in to the Instagram account:



An Instagram account can only be connected with one page. Likewise, a page can only have one Instagram account linked to it.

When the link between the page and the Instagram account is successfully created, you will see the account data in this section:


Now an Instagram account will be available for advertising, from any account and for any user as advertiser from the Facebook Page when it is selected.


Patrick Luk
June 4, 2019
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Creating Ad Campaigns with Aitarget Tool: Setting up Your Goal, Budget, and Targeting Tue, 04 Jun 2019 16:01:39 +0000

Aitarget’s Automation Tool allows you to run Facebook ad campaigns in four easy steps: you choose your campaign goal, set up a budget, select targeting settings, and then upload your creatives. In this two-part feature, we have prepared a detailed explanation of each step.

In the first part, we explain the goal, budget, and targeting steps. These steps are similar across a range of campaigns. In the second part, we’ll show Aitarget Tool opportunities in relation to preparing and uploading creatives of various formats for an ad campaign.


Step 1: Choose your campaign objective

Choose the account from the list on the start page. Press the ‘Create Campaign’ button and you will see the window where you can select the type of ad campaign.



The main advertising objectives are available for each Aitarget user:



  1. Mobile App Installs. Remember that before you start promoting an app, you should register it.
  2. Website Promotion. This goal will require additional specification – website clicks or website conversions.
  3. Page Promotion. You can aim to gain subscribers (likes), campaign reach, or post promotion (campaigns for page post engagement).
  4. Video Views.
  5. Catalog Product (for Dynamic Ads campaigns).

When your goal is defined, insert the campaign and ad set names and proceed to the next step in the lower right corner of the screen.



Step 2: Set up your budget and schedule

To begin, choose your budget type – lifetime or daily budget – and then set the chosen amount manually in the currency of your ad account (currency type is given next to the budget box).



Then go to the bid. Depending on your goal, the bid could be set up either at lower cost without cap automatically (recommended by Facebook), or manually – with the estimated lower cost cap you choose.

Once that is done, if you had previously chosen lifetime budget then you need to choose the schedule of your ad campaign in the calendar.



For ad sets with a lifetime budget you can also set up the hourly schedule of your ad campaign for particular times for better performance.



With manual bid you can also use an accelerated delivery for your ad set if it is necessary to spend the budget quickly.

If you chose manual bidding, you can set up the optimisation objective (Optimize for). Any parameter you choose will be maximised and its cost minimised.

The final parameter, payment method (Pay for), will be set automatically. Pay attention that your goal and the payment method may not always coincide. If you choose automatic bidding, the optimisation objective (Optimize for) will match your advertising objective. In this case the preferable payment method will be CPI (cost per impression).


Step 3: Select targeting settings

For this step, you should apply all targeting options.



Add demographic settings: age with choosing a minimum and maximum age range, and gender. Use geographic criteria (countries, regions, cities, or hyperlocal GPS settings) and don’t forget that it is possible to exclude specific locations from targeting.

Detailed targeting enables you to choose:

  • Interests: which may include things people share on their Timelines, apps they use, Pages they like, and other activities on and off of Facebook.
  • Behaviours: target people based on their activities on and off Facebook like device usage, digital activities, and more.

Targeting Expansion is the option to expand the interests list.

Placements show all possible ad placements throughout Facebook including Audience Network, Facebook mobile, Instagram, and Messenger.

If needed, upload Custom Audiences – audiences created from your own customer data based on website visitors, app users, group subscribers, or CRM data.

Exclude specific custom audiences to make targeting more detailed, for example so you don’t target users at a particular funnel stage.

Platform implies choosing iOS or Android. If necessary, you can target your ad campaign to Min Operating Systems – your ads will be displayed only to users with this particular version of the operating system or higher.

With “Device”, choose the device by manufacturer or type (iPhone 2+, iPad 1+, Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, etc.).

Choose the connection priority (Wi-Fi only or all mobile users), languages and include/exclude people who are connected to a particular page, app, place, or event.

Click on ‘Add audience’ to create a new ad set. The automatic creation of multiple ad sets or splitting ad sets is also available with Split Budget and Split By settings in the Tool.

Once you’ve chosen your targeting settings, you can then move on to creatives.

Bear in mind that for any campaign you should prepare your creatives (the whole visible part of an ad) in advance. We will explain how you can launch ads such as single images/videos, Carousels, and using Dynamic Creative in part two of this instruction on our Aitarget Tool.


Patrick Luk
June 4, 2019
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Launching Ad Campaigns in Aitarget Tool: Ad Creatives Tue, 04 Jun 2019 15:57:04 +0000

In the first part of our guide on launching advertising campaigns with the Aitarget Tool, we explained how to choose your goal, set up your budget, and select targeting.

The fourth and final step involves your ad creatives.


Be prepared

Choose your Facebook Page from the list of available Facebook pages or, if necessary, an Instagram profile. If you don’t have a Facebook page, you should create one. If your Instagram account is not connected to the Page, use these instructions to do that.

You should prepare all materials for your campaign in advance in order to create an ad in your chosen format (single image, video, Carousel) that meets Facebook policy in terms of images/videos, texts, and links.

Please note that the interfaces for downloading creatives will vary depending on your campaign goal.


Creating ads in different formats

The ad layout tool is designed as a drag-and-drop object constructor.

There are boxes for uploading images, headings, and texts and a sandbox field below where you can see your ad preview.




The process of creating ads with an image contains several simple steps.

1. Upload your pictures in the “Drop Files Here” field or click the “Select Files” button to choose them from your computer.

If you have already uploaded your pictures, choose them from the Library.

2. Copy headlines and texts from Excel, Google Docs, or any text file, paste them into the “Headline” and “Texts” fields (or fill in manually) and click OK.



Single phrases will be automatically determined as separate objects and added in the lower sandbox accordingly.

3. The ad you are editing is highlighted with grey colour. You can add images, text, or a headline by drag-and-drop or clicking.



If it is necessary, you can crop your image according to the required aspect ratio by clicking the edit button .

The built-in URL is behind the  button and the preview option is available by clicking on the “eye” in the upper righthand corner.


4. To create a new ad click the “Plus” button. To add a new line click “Add New Row”.



Ads containing several images (up to 19) can be created on Step 4 in the Carousel tab. The procedure is similar to uploading a single image – the difference is that you repeat the operation several times.




An ad for brand awareness uplift can contain a video with a headline, text, and optionally a website URL or mobile app install button – call to action. You can select this format in the Video tab of the Tool.



Video upload is similar to Image upload, except you need to choose a headpiece shot.


Dynamic Creative

Dynamic creative can randomly generate various ads from different elements you upload (images/videos, texts, headlines, CTA buttons). This allows you to determine the most successful combination and increase your ROI.

You can choose any ad format for dynamic creative: image, Carousel, or Video.



Complete an ad creation

The final step when creating your ads is to check the settings described in the first part of this guide, especially in terms of your budget.

If all is correct, then:

  • In the upper toolbar there will be no error marks like the one on the image below:

    If such an error appears, click the red button and you will get the hint on how to troubleshoot the error.
  • Each step will be marked with green ticks.
  • You should see a green “Create N New Ad(s)” button, where N is the number of Ads that will be created for each audience:

Press the green button and wait for this window to pop up:



You have now successfully created all your ads.

You can click the “Create Similar Ads” button to go back to the settings to use them for another campaign creation. The “Continue” button will take you to the statistics dashboard for your ad campaigns.

To preview your ads, follow our guide.


Patrick Luk
June 4, 2019
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